Okay I am determined to conquer this Fried Rice thing - this is my attempt to do so :)
Left over rice (because I read the secret to good fried rice is Cold left over rice)
I used Brown rice - but feel free to use what ever rice your lil taste buds like.
I cut up some onion little tiny chops.
If you want to add carrots, or peas or sprouts that will be good too, but I dont really like them and end up picking out the peas and carrots.
You will need an egg or two.
of course soy sauce
I took the rice in a pan with some oil, and fried it with the onion until the onion was soft. after that I added some small shrimp cut in half. I used frozen but if you wanna use fresh fine (i just need the fast route out so frozen is the route i have to take hehe)
once that is cooked together, I then push the rice mixture to one side of the pan and crack in the eggs on the other and scramble. once the eggs are cooked I blend together with the rice that is resting on the other side of the pan.
Mix together all ingredients and then add the soy sauce, taste it as you add, many of us do not have the same taste buds, so what may be good for me as far as how my soy sauce may not be for the next.
This was good :)